Oct 25, 2016
Bro. Jason Mitchell joins us again to illuminate us all on Martinist orders, an esoteric Christian tradition that appeals to Freemasons. Learn what makes this organization unique and how the esoterically inclined can take advantage of what it has to offer.
Oct 18, 2016
Wor. Nicholas Laine, Lodge Education Officer (LEO) of Castle Island Virtual Lodge No. 190 joins us again after a long stint, to give us an update on what our favorite cyber lodge is up to! It's been two years since we checked on them and man, what a difference two years makes! Want to attend their next meeting? Find...
Oct 11, 2016
This episode of the podcast included a special guest who has asked us to remove the episode. We honored the request. We can do another episode of Gnosticism in the future. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Oct 4, 2016
Get ready for more Masonic history! In the aftermath of the Morgan Affair, the Grand Lodge of Alabama adopted a resolution to bring the Grand Lodges together to standardize the Masonic ritual. After an unsuccessful attempt in 1842, sixteen Grand Lodges attended the Baltimore Convention of 1843 and adopted a number...